
The mission of SAAN is to facilitate bilateral exchange and to promote the development of synergies and partnerships between Switzerland and Australia in the areas of research, education and technology.

Despite vast geographical differences, both Switzerland and Australia share a commitment to excellence in scientific research. Boasting numerous academic institutions of excellence, both countries contribute far above average to developments in science and technology.

The network aims to capitalize on the existing interest of academics from both countries to:

  • Expand academic networking opportunities amongst Swiss in Australia and Australians in Switzerland
  • Promote and develop collaborative research grant programs, fellowships and scholarships between Australia and Switzerland
  • Facilitate the bi-lateral exchange of academics in Australia and Switzerland between the two countries
  • Raise awareness and profile of Australia in Switzerland and vice versa as a world-class location for post-graduate training
  • Assist academics in Switzerland and Australia seeking (exchange) positions (including undergraduate and post-graduate students and post-graduate doctoral training)
  • Establish, sponsor and maintain travel bursaries, travel fellowships and other assistance programs for academics between Switzerland and Australia