Funding Opportunities Australia

Federal Government

Australian Government Scholarships

The Endeavour Awards is theAustralian Government internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and the Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to do the same abroad.
Switzerland participates in the following programs:
2010 Endeavour Research Fellowships(post-doc)
Endeavour Europe Awards

The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) , provides tuition fees and is available to top quality international postgraduate students who wish to enrol in a research degree in Australia.

Australian Research Council (ARC)

The ARC’s Linkage International scheme encourages networks and collaborations between researchers, research teams and research centres of excellence in Australia and overseas. Researchers awarded Linkage International funding may participate in national and international exchanges between research organizations.
ARC International Fellowship (post-doc)
ARC Internationally Coordinated Initiatives (ICIs)

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

The Travelling Award for Research Training has been established to enable current holders of NHMRC Australian-based Fellowships and Scholarships to value add to their research by providing funding for limited training periods at a temporary host institution.
NHMRC Biomedical Overseas Fellowship (post-doc)
NHMRC Clinical Overseas Fellowship (post-doc)
NHMRC Publich Health Overseas Fellowship (post-doc)

Australian Academy of Science (AAS)

Scientific visits to Europe (travel support)

AAS invites applications from Australian professional scientists, including early career researchers, to visit Europe between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2010 to collaborate with European researchers. Proposals in any field of natural science, basic and applied, including mathematics and engineering science, will be considered.

Europe COST actions(travel support)

Applications are now being received for travel between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010 (FY 2009-2010). Funding is available to support up to twelve visits.

IRSES (travel support)

Within the Marie Curie scheme of the EU 7th Framework Programe, IRSES aims to strengthen research partnerships through short period staff exchanges and networking activities between European research organisations and organisations from countries with which the Community has an S&T agreement, including Australia.
International Science Linkages (travel support)
The program aims to assist Australian researchers to increase their participation in international leading edge scientific research, to leverage access to international research funds, to raise the profile of Australian research, and to support the development of strategic alliances between Australian researchers and international researchers and industry.

New South Wales

University of Sydney

– USYD International Research Scholarships (postgraduate)
– Faculty of Arts Postgraduate International Coursework Scholarships
– USYD World Scholars (PhD)


Queensland Government

Partnership and Alliances Facilitation Program (PAFP)
National and International Research Alliances Program (NIRAP)

South Australia

Study Adelaide

Scholarships from South Australian universities