SAAN on SBS Radio

The Australian public broadcaster and the world´s biggest multilingual media company SBS has recently released an audio segment about the Swiss Australian Academic Network.

SAAN´s president Matthias Ernst gave the German speaking audience a detailed insight in the organisation´s history, structure and aims. Mr Ernst also got the chance to talk about the well-performing exchange between Swiss and Australian academics.

SAAN would like to thank SBS for the opportunity!

Link (audio segment in German):

SBS: Swiss Australian Academic Network (SAAN)

Dinner with Honorary Consul Manuela Erb

On April 28, SAAN´s Melbourne based Executive Board was delighted to spend the evening having dinner with the newly appointed Honorary Swiss Consul in Victoria, Mrs Manuela Erb.

SAAN got the chance to bring Mrs Erb up to date with its organisation as well as its past and intended activities. Both parties had the oppotunity to discuss all kind of matters related to the Swiss community in Australia. SAAN is pleased to have a strong relationship with Switzerland´s official representatives in Australia and is looking forward to developing this in the future.

Maria Schaller, Bruno Giger, Robert Medcalf, Manuela Erb, Matthias Ernst, Jean-Guy Schneider